I had this idea for a way to make animated gifs automatically with my Hiptop camera. So I wrote a new perl script called anim_gif_filter.pl that works as a procmail filter. It takes any jpegs in an email, converts them to gifs, then converts those gifs into an animated gif. It then rebuilds the mail with only the animated gif attached and sends it on its way (which is probably towards my blogpost.pl script).
Here's the script: anim_gif_filter.pl.
There are a couple of options that the script looks for which controls the animated gif creation: "noloop" tells it not to loop and "-delay#" tells it how many hundrendths of a second between frames (default is delay50 or half a second). Just put either or both of those in the email body text and they will get processed (and stripped out of the text). --Dav via Danger Hiptophttp://www.danger-island.com/dav/
mmmm. I get to see the real thing soon! I'm ready to dance some.
Posted by: mie | 2003.04.11 at 04:20 AM
How do you incorporate the script into the Sidekick?
Posted by: Jamerican | 2003.04.15 at 10:19 PM
You don't incorporate it directly into the sidekick, you have to use it as part of an email processing system that you email to from your sidekick...
Posted by: Dav | 2003.04.18 at 12:19 PM