Dav Yaginuma;
Husband, Father, Hacker, Thinker, Maker;
San Francisco.

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    Star Wars: Han Solo
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    tagged: graphic-novels
    See you at the 7: Stories From the Bay Area's Last Original Mile House
    it was amazing
    There's a little dive pub (turns out actually not a dive anymore) I'd been meaning to go to for years, and finally stopped by a couple of weeks back. I love checking out the old San Francisco spots that persist through the decades and ha...
    The Undefeated
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    Wonderful poem and great illustrations.

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    Huh, I guess this was a meme who's time had come, twelve hours after I posted this a post on the Rarotonga Sheraton showed up coincidentally on BoingBoing...


    I just went to their website. Carla Sinclair sounds so familiar- I think she had some sort of girlie website *back in the day* that I liked. Do you remember? It had a paper doll you could dress up and other neat stuff.


    This looks like heaven on earth.



    Yeah, I remember showing you that site, circa 1994, as evidence that this "Internet" thing wasn't just a geek playground.

    Chuck Swenson

    Hart Island is a thin spit of land just off the Bronx shore, at the western edge of Long Island Sound. It is off limits to the public and has been used as a Potters field for all of New York City. At various times it has also been a pow camp, a sanitarium, and a missile base. Check out the photographs taken of the island. Joel Sternfeld and Melinda Hunt's "Hart Island: Discovery of an Unknown Territory."


    Does anyone know of a fictional book about corruption in the islands where a man tries to begin a newspaper in a tin shed and talks of a hotel not completed (obvious reference to the Sheraton Rarotonga). I have read it years ago and cannot remember author or title.

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