I don't do a lot of diary-type posts, but this is one of them.
I'm feeling a little burnt out.
There's my usual heavy workload from the startup I co-founded a little over four years ago. I won't name the company explicitly here to avoid google picking it up because I don't like mixing my personal life with my company life, and I consider this weblog to be personal, but if you're curious take the words 'Synthe' and 'matix', squish 'em together and add a .com.
I've also had the task of getting ready for 10 days at
Burning Man that start on Saturday. A task I've been severely procrastinating on and now there's only one day left. Sigh.
Finally, I've been trying to get something together to demo at
Foo Camp on September 10th. It's a "trusted brokered peer to peer social darknet." I'm serious, stop laughing. I'm basing it on
JSDSI, a Java implementation of the SPKI/SDSI PKI. SPKI/SDSI is a public key authorization infrastructure that does not rely on a root certificate authority (like Verisign) which leads me to hope that it will be a better fit for a social network based architecture. The JSDSI implementation is only at version 0.5 and not clearly documented. As a by-product of my work I hope to publish a simple example application and tuorial to help out with the jsdsi project. I'm starting to think I might even be able to pull a
Dr Dobb's article out of it.
With only 4 possible working days between now and FOO Camp, I don't think I'm going to make it (especially when those are really working nights since I have a day job I can't neglect). I do expect to have something ready for beta testing by the end of September however. I'll post more specific details about it then, along with a plea for beta testers.
But getting back to what I started with, I'm feeling burnt out. The upcoming return home to
Black Rock City is going to help immensely.
Another thing that is going to help is that sometime this Autumn I'm going to quit my day job in favor of part-time contracting and start dedicating more time to my next venture, which may involve that TBP2PSD I'm working on, or perhaps another project I've been asked to step in on as the chief software architect.
And then there's the travel. The plan right now is to move to Brazil for ~1 year while I'm working on this new venture. There's an alternative plan developing that calls for merely going on a six month south american internet cafe tour instead of outright moving, but either way there's going to be a change of scenery.
So, anyhow, this may be my last post until after we get back from Burning Man. Burn the man! Don't burn the man!