First of all - no matter what state you live in, no matter if you have to crawl through glass on your hands and knees to get to the polling booths, you better vote this year. No excuses. I swear if I meet anyone after November 2nd this year who said they didn't vote for whatever reason I'll punch them in the face. Make sure you tell every one of your friends and family that you'll do the same.Emphasis mine. Consider them told. This whole election is so depressing. I was thinking of posting a list of all the reports of dirty tricks I've already heard about, but the number was too daunting. Democracy is under attack in America, and I don't think it's going to fare well in this election. If it isn't disenfranchised voters, it's hacked electonic voting machines. I've taken November 2nd off from work this year. Instead I'm going to work at one of the polling places here in San Francisco. I'm not sure why, since I'm so disappointed in the state of democracy in America. I'm forcing myself to participate anyhow, so I'm advocating zero tolerance for non-voters.