It's taken me a bit of time and effort, but I am now all set up here in Brazil. I have settled into a small beach town called Garopaba in the southern state of Santa Catarina where I have a 2 BR apartment with wifi Internet, views overlooking the town and the bay and a 15 minute walk to the beach (for about US$200/month inclusive).
I've decided that an ongoing travelogue doesn't fit in well with the posting history I have on this weblog, and have been wanting to experiment with typepad anyhow, so I have set up a new weblog there specifically for my travel diaries. The first entry is now up, hopefully I can catch up to real time in the next few days. Still struggling with procuring a moblogging solution, but I will be working on that too.
Travels: Arrival in Brasil: Rio
I can't wait to join you, pookster!
Posted by: Mie | 2005.02.20 at 04:17 AM
Oh yeah, and I still want a private moblog too.
Posted by: Mie | 2005.02.20 at 04:21 AM