<paul2> "The Cove" got a pretty big distribution deal from Lions Gate...should end up in quite a few theaters
<dav> that's the dolphin thing?
<paul2> yeah, it was really good, as good as any doc I've ever seen
<paul2> had a ocean's 11 vibe to it.
<paul2> got all these people that were total badasses in their field to try and get to the cove in japan
<paul2> really really messed up stuff going on there
<Jeff-S> in Japan?
<paul2> yeah
<Jeff-S> do tell
<paul2> there's town in Japan (Taiji) this is the larget supplier of dolpins used in amusement parks..
<paul2> there's a area of the town that's on dolphin migration routes..so it's east for fisherman to heard them to a bay..
<paul2> for each dolphin that's sold to a place like sea world, they get $150k per
<paul2> so the rest, porpoises, or just not the right look, they wouldn't say what happened to them...but sure enough each next day the cycle started again
<paul2> and they wouldn't let anyone monitor what's happens...so this guy gets all these people together to sneak to a cove where they believe the netted dolphins are herded..