Kirk's dik dik (which is not pronounced xylophone, nice one guys) is a new Bay Area band that just released the summer 2020 album jam: Bestiary.
It consists of the guy I get my fish from, Kirk Lombard, and a guy that apparently used to be in the same band as Simon who built our bedroom shelves and dated our daughter's nanny a decade ago, Cary Kirk. That last sentence was terrible. Simon did the building and dating, not Cary. I don't actually know either of these two, but I've enjoyed both of their other music projects for awhile now and this album is just the bee's knees. It all started with a tuba and a mandolin apparently.
Fishmonger Kirk says:
Named for the smallest antelope on earth, Kirk's Dik Dik consists of two guys: me and my neighbor and Fishwives guitarist Cary Kirk (who some of you might remember from San Francisco acoustic-punk outfit, Kemo Sabe). Turns out Cary and I share an affinity for old blues records and the song The Wizard by Black Sabbath. For the past 15 months we've been rocking out in Cary's garage (yep, right up to the beginning of the quarantine) and now have an album to show for it! Under normal circumstances we'd be out performing the album to share it, but since we're all sheltering in's an email. With any luck you have time to give it a listen!
Kirk's Dik Dik: Bestiary, is a collection of songs examining the fraught relationship between man and beast, brought to life with Ethel Merman-meets-Paul Robeson vocals, tuba, harmonica, stylophone, one-string electric slide guitar (fashioned out of an old Louisville Slugger), face melting electric guitar, drums and the occasional mandolin and banjo.
I mean check out that art! There's a damn song about tardigrades! Pour yourself some clam juice and enjoy.