I actually wrote this while Mie and Tesla were in Japan for a week but hadn't posted it yet. When they came back Tesla's ability and/or willingness to repeat new words had increased significantly so there are actually more words now. I'll post it as originally written though.
Tesla isn't really talking in the general sense yet. I've heard that toddlers being raised bilingually take a bit longer to start talking, and it seems to be the case. She has a limited vocabulary though, here's a round up:
word (english meaning): tesla pronunciation
moto (more): toto
hana (nose): nana
ashi (foot): ashi
teh (hand): teh
meh (eye): meh
kuchi (mouth): kuchi
zousan (elephant): zousan
uma (horse) uma
shu shu (going to the bathroom): shu shu
wau wau (doggie) wau wau
tori (bird): tori
gomi (trash [man]): gomi
shu shu (use the bathroom): shu shu
arigato (thank you) - gato
chodai (give me that) - dodai
isu (chair) - isu
ringo (apple) - lingo
no: no
uh oh: uh oh
Sofia: fia
banana: nana
apple: bapple
wash you hands: wash wash
water: wawa
meow meow (cat): mrau mrau
quack quack (duck): quack quack
Schnappi: bappi
pig: big
frog: fuk
book: book
flower: fower
chair: chehr
shirt: shoot
shoes: shoooooz
diaper: daipah
all done: all done!
door: door
juice: juice
thank you (but she uses it when she wants to give you something): tankoo
milk: gotsche
blankie: daiki
pillow: ba
She understands more words in both Japanese and English, but these are the ones she uses.