Dav Yaginuma;
Husband, Father, Hacker, Thinker, Maker;
San Francisco.

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    Star Wars: Han Solo
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    tagged: graphic-novels
    See you at the 7: Stories From the Bay Area's Last Original Mile House
    it was amazing
    There's a little dive pub (turns out actually not a dive anymore) I'd been meaning to go to for years, and finally stopped by a couple of weeks back. I love checking out the old San Francisco spots that persist through the decades and ha...
    The Undefeated
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    Wonderful poem and great illustrations.

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    Alex C

    “She made her mark, and we put it in the envelope, my brother and I walked to the mailbox, it was 11 o’clock Wednesday morning and I said ‘Mom its in the mail, you’ve done your thing, Barack’s going to win,’ and she kind of smiled and it was kind of a deep sigh, a sigh of relief, and in less than an hour later, she died,” said M. Fitzgerald.

    North Charleston Woman Uses Last Moments In Life to Vote

    Dav Yaginuma

    High five, Dora, high five.


    Bowling a 300 would be really awesome, but not quite the way I'd like to go out.

    Stupid Patrick Swayze in Point Break turned a "last wave" into a cliche, so that's been dimmed, but still wouldn't be a bad way to go.

    I had a very close friend die last month (http://cyrawls.blogspot.com/) and even though I still miss him every day, we found out from a friend that he didn't leave us 'til he got in "one more show."   In addition to be an all around nice guy, Cy was specifically known as someone that supported his friend's bands no matter what.

    Two weeks before he lost a battle with a glioblastoma, he knew his time was more than likely very short. He secretly arranged a plane trip to see a friend play in New Orleans.  He had a friend drop him off at RDU, flew to NO, saw the rock show, and flew back to Raleigh the next day.  We found out about the trip at his wake, and as unbelievable as it sounded given his condition at the time, I just know that's how he wanted to go out.




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